What are STIs?

STI stands for sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes these are called STDs or sexually transmitted diseases.

You can get an STI through sex (oral, anal, or vaginal) with someone who has an untreated STI. Using prevention methods can reduce your vulnerability to STIs and there are many different prevention options to keep you and your partner(s) safe. These include physical barriers like condoms, medication such as DoxyPEP, and behavioral changes like abstaining from sex, entering in a mutually monogamous relationship after both being tested and treated for all STIs, or reducing the number of partners or frequency of sex without barriers.

STIs are very common and are nothing to be ashamed about. All STIs are treatable and most are curable! 

If you are sexually active, getting tested is the first step in protecting your sexual health.  

STI Fast Facts

Find Doxy PEP for STI Prevention Near You

What is doxy PEP?

Doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis or doxy PEP means taking the antibiotic doxycycline after sex to reduce the chance of getting syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. 

Who can take doxy PEP?

Doxy PEP is recommended for all gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender women with the history for at least one bacterial STI (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea) in the last 12 months

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Syphilis in Tennessee Brochure
Syphilis in Tennessee Brochure (Spanish)
Syphilis in Tennessee Flyer
Syphilis in Tennessee Flyer (Spanish)
Congenital Syphilis in Tennessee Brochure
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Congenital Syphilis in Tennessee Brochure (Spanish)
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All You Need to Know About STIs (Arabic)
Compassionate Overdose Response & Rescue Breathing Guide (Kirundi)
All You Need to Know About STIs (Spanish)
SSP Application Checklist (Local Health Department)
What You Need to Know About Mpox (Spanish)
All You Need to Know About Mpox
All You Need to Know About STIs
Perinatal HCV Screening Recommendations Flyer
Doxy PEP
HIV Prevention Resources Flyer
Tennessee Ryan White Part B Brochure
Congenital Syphilis in Tennessee Palm Card
Syphilis in Tennessee Palm Card
Congenital Syphilis in Tennessee Palm Card (Spanish)
Syphilis in Tennessee Palm Card (Spanish)
Syringe Disposal Guide for Clients
SSP Disposal Best Practices Guide
SSP Safety & Security Plan Guide
SSP Application Checklist (Amended App, New County)
SSP Application Checklist (Amended App, Same County)