Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies to empower people who use drugs (and their families) with the choice to live healthy, self-directed, and purpose-filled lives.
It is also movement built on a belief in, and respect for,
the rights of people who use drugs.
And it incorporates a spectrum of strategies that includes safer use, managed use, abstinence, addressing health conditions associated with use, and
meeting people who use drugs “where they’re at.”
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The Tennessee Harm Reduction Hub is a collection of resources, guides, and tutorials aimed at providing comprehensive support to emerging and existing harm reduction efforts in Tennessee. This Hub acts as a program development resource center to assist syringe services programs in implementing best practices, promising strategies, and innovative programming into their work.
1. Assist in the establishment of emerging SSP and harm reduction programs in TN
2. Aid in the expansion of existing SSPs and harm reduction programs across TN
3. Increase harm reduction knowledge and acceptance across TN
4. Coordinate a community of practice among SSP and harm reductionists across TN
Please direct any questions to SSP.Health@tn.gov.
This guide illustrates elements needed for each type of TDH SSP
Application: new applicant, amended application (new county), and amended
application (same county). Access the TDH SSP application at https://redcap.link/TNSSPApp.
Tennessee Code § 68-1-136a outlines the objectives and services of a syringe services program in Tennessee, including “disposal of used needles and hypodermic syringes.”
This guide is intended for organizations that are applying to become an approved SSP in Tennessee. This guide is a step-by-step example of how to create documentation demonstrating that the proposed SSP site(s) meets the State of Tennessee’s SSP legislation zoning requirements, TN Code § 68-1-136g (2023).
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